Perfectly poached eggs drizzled with a brown butter and Aleppo pepper sauce and served over a thick garlicy yogurt. What a delicacy!

We’ve seen this everywhere, because it’s so good. Perfectly poached eggs drizzled with a brown butter and Aleppo pepper sauce and served over a thick garlicky yogurt. But you know me, I had to add some creamy cottage cheese into that yogurt and what a delicacy! I sometimes add chopped herbs into that too. If you want to skip the dairy from this, simply substitute with a vegan yogurt and crumbled tofu or vegan feta cheese.
Here is how I make it: I mix one part greek yogurt together with one part cottage cheese. I add salt and pepper, sometimes chopped herbs and minced garlic.
To make this mix a bit warm (so it doesn’t cool my poached eggs when plated), I like to keep the mixture on a bain-marie for a minute or two, just to warm it up a little bit.
It will loose some of it’s consistency, but I don’t mind. To make the brown butter sauce for 2 servings, I add about 2 to 3 tbsp of butter to a frying pan and I cook it until golden to slightly brown in color. Keep an eye on it as it can burn very easily. I add the Aleppo pepper flakes, some salt and a pinch of smoked paprika. I usually turn down the heat to minimum at this point so I don’t burn the pepper either.
Meanwhile the water is boiling and ready to poach the eggs (Youtube is your friend for this).
I plate everything - yogurt and cheese mix, poached eggs, brown butter sauce- and then sprinkle some fresh herbs on top (dill and parsley go best). I add a good pinch of Maldon salt and enjoy it right away. Other spices I like to use for the butter sauce are paprika or smoked paprika, for more oomph.
Çılbır: Turkish Poached Eggs
Makes 12-14 portions
Total time: 45 minutes
1/2 cup full fat greek yogurt
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 - 1/2 of a medium garlic clove, minced
salt and pepper to taste
60g 82% butter
1 teaspoon Aleppo child flakes
1/8 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp Maldon flaky salt
1 tbsp fresh parsley and dill, finely chopped
1-2 tsp chili jam (recipe here)
Poached eggs
2 medium eggs
1 tsp lemon juice
In a bowl, add the Greek yogurt together with cottage cheese and mix until smooth and well combined. Add the minced garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
Using a frying pan, melt the butter. When the butter starts to bubble add the Aleppo flakes, smoked paprika and a pinch of sea salt. Stir and cook on low heat for no more than 1 minute. Set aside.
To poach the eggs, bring a large pot of water to a boil, then reduce to low. Crack the egg in a fine mesh sieve to remove the any liquidy whites. Transfer the eggs to a small bowl, separately, and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to each egg. This will help keep the egg whites together.
Pour the egg into the hot (but not boiling) water. No need to create a vortex. Add the other egg and set a timer of 3 minutes for nice and runny eggs.
Once the egg is done, use a slotted spoon to remove the poached eggs.
Transfer the Greek yoghurt mix into a serving bowl or separate plates. Place the eggs on the top and pour the brown butter chili sauce. Sprinkle with Maldon sea salt and fresh herbs on top. Enjoy with toasted bread or bazlama (Turkish flatbread).
